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AWS consulting

Admicom used Zendesk and the Amazon Connect switchboard to manage the customer service process. The cooperation with Skillwell was successful, and Amazon Connect proved to be an easy-to-use and competitive solution.

Customer service and employee satisfaction to top shape

Admicom is a Finnish provider of cloud-based ERP solutions and a comprehensive partner in software and accounting services. Founded in 2004, the start-up- spirited company has grown fast - now they have 130 employees in four offices. Admicom was listed to the First North Finland market in February 2018.

Admicom's service manager Ari Aarniovuori tells that in the spring of 2019 the company published a new Lite-service. This was seen as a great opportunity to update the customer service process.

“We had recognized a problem. We might get thousands of customer calls per month, and it was obvious that our staff couldn't manually manage all these calls - so in the managements view a part of the workload was unseen and also the employees time got wasted doing that. We didn't know how many questions each of our customers have, and what kind of questions do they ask," Aarniovuori explains.

Managing the customer service process is important when you want to keep both customer satisfaction and employee satisfaction high.If a part of the calls stays unseen to the management, we can not know whether we should hire more staff to customer service or not,” Aarniovuori points out.

"We looked through about five services available — Amazon Connect was simple"

The company needed a new customer support system, and they chose Zendesk. “The idea of Zendesk is to gather all customer contacts to one place so that it's easy to manage them,” Aarniovuori explains. To make the new support system work, they needed a new contact center service that would integrate with Zendesk.

“We decided that we wanted Amazon Connect. We looked through about five services available in Finland. In many of them, we would have needed to build and utilize API’s between many systems and it seemed to be quite difficult. Amazon connect was simple. With Skillwell’s help, we booted up Amazon Connect, created a few contact flows and users and we were good to go! It was light, fast and competitively priced.”

“It was easy to start collaboration with Skillwell - our offices are on the opposite sides of a street in the center of Jyväskylä,” Aarniovuori laughs. “Well, of course, there were other reasons! With Skillwell, we were able to start the process quickly. That's the way we do things at Admicom - when we decide to do something, we get on with it at once. A representative from Skillwell just gave us a few demonstrations of the functions of Amazon Connect and so we started the pilot.”

"This was an easy purchase"

Aarniovuori can recommend Zendesk and Amazon Connect to other medium-sized companies. It is easy, fast and inexpensive. “This was an easy purchase also because the service provider didn't require long term commitment, so we were able to try and pilot this first quite lightly,” he adds. Amazons Services have worked properly, there haven't been any outages, Aarniovuori tells. A Callback system was developed by Skillwell. Now things are running smoothly - customer service rocks and employees are pleased.

Aarniovuori describes the collaboration with Skillwell as successful. “In all joint projects, whether it is between us and our customers, or with us and Skillwell, there is one significant word - Trust. The trust either is there, or it isn't, and between us and Skillwell, it is. In that case, it is easy to make a purchase and trust that everything will go as planned,” Aarniovuori sums.

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