Skillwell Amazon Connect

Contact Center Service

Improve customer experiences fast and lower costs with Skillwell and Amazon Connect, an easy-to-use cloud contact center. Amazon Connect makes it possible to set up a cloud-based contact center quickly and easily, scale to meet demand, and enable agents to deliver superior customer experiences from anywhere

Learn more about our solutions by reading the Admicom reference

With Skillwell, we were able to start the process quickly. That's the way we do things at Admicom - when we decide to do something, we get on with it at once. A representative from Skillwell just gave us a few demonstrations of the functions of Amazon Connect and so we started the pilot.”

Ari Aarniovuori,

Admicom's service manager

Amazon Connect is your path to more efficient and outstanding customer service

Innovative contact center solutions will allow your company to instantly improve customer service, ensuring a high standard of quality and scalability as your business grows.

Enhance your customer experience with Amazon Connect and strengthen your competitiveness edge today

Meet customer needs in real time with Skillwell and Amazon Connect, an easy-to-use cloud contact center.

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Amazon Connect features

User-Friendly Setup

Amazon Connect offers a hassle-free configuration process. You can initiate agent call reception within minutes through the AWS Management Console, and easily design effective customer interactions using the Contact Flow Editor.

Scalability and Flexibility

The on-demand contact center seamlessly adjusts to your needs, with no infrastructure deployment or management required. You can adapt the service to business fluctuations and only pay for actual usage.

Exceptional Reliability

Amazon Connect runs on the robust AWS infrastructure, which extends across numerous Availability Zones in a multitude of geographic regions worldwide. This extensive network ensures that Amazon Connect maintains a superior level of availability, fault tolerance, and scalability, surpassing single data center-based contact center solutions.

Pay-as-You-Go Pricing

With Amazon Connect, you're billed based on the duration and amount of customer interactions. There are no binding contracts, initial fees, or minimum monthly charges. Pricing is transparent and based solely on actual usage.

AI Integration

Leverage AWS AI services for enhanced efficiency and customer experiences. Incorporate Amazon Lex chatbots seamlessly into contact flows or use Speech Analytics for real-time sentiment analysis.

Open Platform

Amazon Connect easily integrates with other systems, such as CRMs. You can utilize AWS Lambda for custom real-time contact flows and Amazon S3 for secure call recording storage.

Omnichannel Customer Experience

Deliver personalized and proactive automated and agent-assisted experiences Built from the ground up as a unified omnichannel solution, Amazon Connect empowers you to deliver personalized, efficient, and proactive experiences across the channels customers prefer. Artificial intelligence (AI)-powered chatbots help you deliver natural and intuitive self-service experiences in multiple languages that save customers time and effort. You can ensure customer issues are quickly resolved, and if multiple contacts are needed, seamlessly maintain context as customer needs change. Amazon Connect also helps you proactively engage customers at scale with relevant information, like appointment reminders, in their preferred channel. Whether it's over channels like voice, web and mobile chat, or via voice, SMS, and email outbound campaigns, you can create, deliver, and tailor seamless experiences that improve customer satisfaction.

Omnichannel customer experience

Analytics, Insights, and Optimization

Monitor and improve your contact center performance with real-time artificial intelligence Uncover trends, identify agent coaching needs, predict contact volumes, and optimize agent schedules Analytics, insights, and optimization enables businesses to measure, track, and improve contact center performance and achieve their business goals. Using AI/ML-powered analytics and optimization capabilities, businesses can proactively detect and address issues with customer experience, agent performance, and contact center operations. Businesses can gain real-time insights from customer interactions, easily identify agent coaching needs, forecast contact volume to optimize staffing, and make the best use of their agents to continuously improve customer satisfaction, reduce costs and optimize contact center operations

AWS artificial intelligence services

Why choose AWS as your cloud partner?

Global Infrastructure

AWS has a vast and geographically distributed network of datacenters, providing infrastructure resources in multiple regions around the world. This global reach allows you to deploy your applications and services closer to your end-users, improving latency and ensuring high availability.

Ready-to-use services

AWS offers a wide range of pre-configured and ready-to-use services, spanning from computing and storage to machine learning and analytics. These services can save you time and resources in setting up and managing your infrastructure.

Resilent security

AWS places a strong emphasis on security. They provide a range of tools and features to help you secure your data, including encryption, identity and access management, network security, and compliance certifications. AWS's security practices are trusted by enterprises and government organizations worldwide.

Your AWS questions answered

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40100 Jyväskylä

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