
AWS Well Architected Review

If you want to improve the security, operation, performance, reliability, or cost-effectiveness of your cloud environment, we'll provide you with a cloud cost-benefit assessment. The service provides you with a priority list of actions.


Cost savings in the cloud

Skillwell implemented an AWS Well-Architected Review for Oy, which improved its operating models and found cost savings. Review helps companies develop their AWS environment through reliability, security, cost optimization and other aspects.

Achieve similar development for your company with the Well-Architected Review by Skillwell Oy.

When starting a Well-Architected Review it is hard to assume exact methods, operating models or level of technical implementation of the company.

In the fall of 2022, Skillwell started a Well-Architected Review for Bolt.Works Oy, without at the time having in-depth knowledge of operating models or technical implementation at Bolt.Works Oy.

Bolt.Works Oy is a Finnish staffing platform that connects jobs and workers together. Workers and clients can evaluate and recommend each other.

Jesse Kiilamaa, AWS developer from Skillwell, shared the experience of collaboration with Bolt.Works Oy : "It is a good example of a company where the quality of the technical implementation is at a high level. Despite that, with the help of Well-Architected Review,  we found ideas and considerations on how the operating models and processes of the software development team can be genuinely improved".

Mikko Rekola, CTO of Bolt.Works Oy, continued "With the help of the AWS Well-Architected Review and Skillwell experts, we were able to improve our own operating methods and we also found measures to achieve cost savings in the use of our AWS services. If these things sound interesting to you, I recommend the AWS Well-Architected Review to you too."

In addition to the development of operating models and processes, Well-Architected Review can support your company in many other ways, such as identifying information security risks and cost savings.

All in all, the Well-Architected Review examines the customer's AWS environment from six different perspectives, and helps identify areas of development and risk.

  • Operational Excellence

  • Security

  • Reliability

  • Performance Efficiency

  • Cost Optimization

  • Sustainability.

The evaluation records suggestions for improvement and identified risk structures. A report with recommendations for action is generated based on the results of the assessment.This report allows our clients to independently or with the help of Skillwell’s AWS experts improve and fix all possible areas.

The ultimate goal of Skillwell and the AWS Well-Architected Review is to help our customers follow the "Best practices" defined by Amazon Web Services.

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