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Frontend Development Service

The world's leading solutions are effectively transformed into modern user interfaces in the hands of our experienced developers. We implement our service on the Angular framework with an exterior based on Google Material Design library.


Long-term development relationship

Skillwell helped Landis+Gyr develop the services of electricity grid companies with new user interfaces. Good and open cooperation and technology expertise made a successful project possible.

Landis + Gyr's starting point and start of the collaboration

Landis + Gyr has been a provider of energy management solutions for over 120 years. The company's remote reading solutions help network companies around the world expand their operations, manage their online assets, reduce costs and improve the customer experience. High-quality and reliable products and services drive innovation in the smart grid and IoT world. In 2017, the company was listed on the Swiss stock exchange. The company headquarters is located in Zug, Switzerland.

Landis+Gyr has several services for power grid companies for various purposes, the user interfaces of which have been implemented and developed over many years. Over the years, and as technology has advanced rapidly, some service interfaces have stopped working. That's why Landis+Gyr has started updating its service interfaces with browser-based technologies.

The refurbishment work had already begun before the collaboration with Skillwell and now, through the collaboration, Skillwell will ensure that the refurbishment is carried out using technologies that best suit Landis + Gyr's needs. Skillwell is also involved in the practical implementation of the new user interfaces for the services.

Overall, A and O have good and open cooperation

The Landis + Gyr project involved Skillwell technology expert Jari Ikävalko and developers Immanuel Piirilä and Juha Möttönen. “The communication within the project went smoothly, which made the joint work smooth,” Immanuel says, and continues, “just good and open collaboration is the A and O of everything, which makes it much easier to move the project forward.”

Start with a Proof of Concept project and get the right reinforcements for the team

At Skillwell, we saw that the smartest part of the project was to start with the PoC phase, where the client gained new insight, new ideas, and ways to move forward quickly. “It was natural to start the collaboration, we had a clear need to quickly acquire the necessary know-how to develop using best practices with these new technologies, and Skillwell had the right experts, know-how, and a good track record” says Anssi Savelius from Landis + Gyr.

The biggest challenge of the project

In the case of Landis + Gyr, the challenge was the industry itself, the operations and processes of the electricity grid companies, which the Skillwell team also had to delve into and quickly implement. This was a great success, after which Skillwell, with his technological know-how, was able to make suggestions on how things should be done and why.

What were the concrete benefits and how will the collaboration continue?

The development of new service user interfaces was significantly accelerated, but what was most significant for Landis-Gyr was the establishment and training of their own global service user development teams during the project. Going forward, the primary responsibility for developing the user interfaces of the services will rest with these teams, with Skillwell involved in updating and training the restricted persons as needed.

For Skillwell, the partnership has provided an exciting opportunity to enter the grid and help Landis + Gyr modernize its services and systems. Skillwell experts say the whole thing was very interesting and rewarding when we were able to help a global company complete a major development project.

Interested in Skillwell's services?

Contact us:

Harri Ilvonen

+358 400 830 660

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Skillwell is a team of leading experts from Jyväskylä, established in 2018. Our experts have strong expertise in digital services, AWS cloud services and integration solutions. Companies know us as a reliable and up-to-date IT partner.

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