Mastos - Responsible Growth Specialist

Mastos is a Finnish service provider focused on helping Finnish SMEs to become the most responsible players in the world. The company offers comprehensive services that support companies' sustainability work, helping them to grow and become more competitive from a sustainability perspective. The Mastos team combines business, communications and data expertise, providing clients with tools and solutions that drive sustainable growth and responsible business.

Project Background

Mastos' goal to promote sustainability in Finnish SMEs created the need for a digital platform to help achieve these goals. Skillwell's mission was to meet this need by developing a user-friendly SaaS application that would help companies improve their sustainability processes.

Application Design and Implementation

We started the project with Mastos by reviewing their requirements and objectives for the application. In collaboration with Mastos, we designed the UI/UX, focusing on clarity and ease of use. The design of the application was a collaborative process, where Mastos' expertise in sustainability and Skillwell's application development skills combined to create a user-friendly solution.

Our solution

Together with Mastos, we developed the first version of a SaaS application for them to support sustainability management and reporting. The app is designed to be scalable and modular, so that it can grow and adapt with Mastos' needs. We implemented the application using modern web technologies to ensure the security, speed and accessibility of the application on any device.

Successful collaboration

One of the cornerstones of the project's success was a well-functioning collaboration model. Agile development methods allowed for smooth communication and flexibility during the project, so we could respond quickly to feedback and changes. This collaboration not only streamlined the development process, but also ensured that the end result met Mastos' vision and users' needs.

"Working with Skillwell has been efficient and straightforward. Their work combines strong coding skills, deep technology knowledge and skilled UX design. Their relaxed and professional collaborative attitude has allowed for the generation of new ideas and thoughts that have been valuable in the development of our product. The Skillwell professional working with us has been a team member whose contribution has been instrumental to the success of our project. We highly recommend them."

End result

The end result was the first version of a SaaS application that enables Mastos to provide companies with a powerful tool for accountability management. We are proud to be part of Mastos' efforts towards more responsible business and look forward to the positive impact the app will have on Mastos' customers' sustainability efforts.

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© Skillwell Oy 2023