
AWS Integration Platform

Modern integrations need: agility, flexibility, reactivity, fault tolerance, cost-effectiveness and data security. Skillwell's AWS-based integration platform lives up to expectations - reliably.


A successful integration platform

Skillwell built an integration platform on the AWS for the needs of JAMIX's professional kitchen system. Integration makes operations more efficient, reduces food waste and enables more responsible operations. JAMIX customers benefit from a faster onboarding process.

Read the new JAMIX Case Study also on Amazon: Skillwell Helps JAMIX Reduce Customer Onboarding and Integration Time by 90% Using AWS

Skillwell built the platform with AWS and solid integration expertise

JAMIX provides commercial kitchens with an ERP system used by chefs, those who buy supplies and raw materials, storeroom workers, and others. The system combines production, food planning, orders, storeroom management, chain management and recipes. 

The ERP system makes everyday operations easier for its users. It increases efficiency through higher sales and lower wastage. The system also steers kitchens towards more responsible choices in terms of wastage. 

What is challenging to the JAMIX system is that kitchens have a range of different systems that do not communicate with each other. In order for them to work together with JAMIX, integration had to be built for each of them. 

Building and maintaining them was laborious, slowing down the development of the actual JAMIX Kitchen Intelligence System. This is why JAMIX needed an integration platform that combined data from various systems, making them communicate with each other. The integration platform made it much easier for customers to link into the JAMIX system, allowing JAMIX to focus on the development of its own system.

"Skillwell impressed us during the early stages, having no trouble understanding what our needs were. They had the confidence and tools to solve our problems," says JAMIX's Chief Operating Officer Timo Lehto.

JAMIX was supplied with a platform that integrates systems used by kitchens to increase efficiency. The platform is scalable, serving all customers regardless of which system or systems are used by JAMIX's customers. 

Skillwell's AWS and integration expertise met JAMIX's needs

The various systems used by commercial kitchens were easily integrated thanks to Skillwell's expertise. Skillwell offers its solution as a comprehensive service: nobody has to manage the licences, data security, updates and in general make sure that everything's OK. Previous customer-specific solutions created by JAMIX are no longer necessary, and thanks to the integration platform, JAMIX can focus on its core business, that is, the development, marketing and sales of the JAMIX system. 

Skillwell's serverless service means that JAMIX can operate more efficiently and that it is easier for customers to start using the JAMIX system.

A system for all types of kitchens

The JAMIX commercial kitchen system is suitable for a range of users both in the private and public sectors. Our customers include municipalities, joint municipal authorities, individual restaurants, restaurant chains and food industry operators.

Currently JAMIX provides kitchen system software services primarily in Finland and the United States. Yale University in Connecticut is one of our customers. Yale uses the JAMIX software for its 16 college restaurants, 11 cafes and large central kitchen and bakery. Yale's restaurants make 18,000 portions a day. 

JAMIX Kitchen Intelligence System – tools for sustainable development and more ethical consumption

JAMIX stresses the ecological and ethical aspects of its operations. The system provides the customers with the tools for responsible choices and for reducing the footprint of their food production and consumption.

We offer tools for sustainable development and ethical consumption. We are able to show the environmental impact commercial kitchens have and how this can be reduced by lower wastage and more responsible choices. 

"JAMIX is part of a digital ecosystem. The system plays a key role in the running of a commercial kitchen. By integrating systems we can offer better tools for commercial kitchens," says Lehto.

Skillwell's AWS and integration expertise met JAMIX's needs

JAMIX praises Skillwell for the impressive and active approach.

"We are very happy with our collaboration. We were looking for a long-term partner that is available globally for the integration of various systems, and Skillwell fitted the bill. They have been very active in their work and we have received an excellent partner that will stand us in good stead for the future. With such an expert partner, we are able to concentrate on our own core expertise," says Timo Lehto in conclusion.

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