Mölnlycke Health Care AB is a world-leading medical products and solutions company that equips healthcare professionals to achieve the best patient, clinical and economic outcomes.

Mölnlycke was concerned about the security of its AWS infrastructure and wanted to proactively identify and address potential vulnerabilities. They needed a comprehensive solution that leveraged best practices and expert guidance to ensure their cloud environment was secure and compliant.

Skillwell was tasked to review the Mölnlycke infrastructure from the security pillar point of view of the AWS Well-Architected Framework, powered by the expertise of Skillwells certified AWS professionals.
The Skillwell team conducted a thorough review of the AWS environment, analyzing workloads, configurations, and access controls. The Skillwell experts identified HRIs and provided actionable recommendations for remediation.

The remedations from the review created a good base for future implementations of security services, such as AWS Security Hub.

“Thank you very much for this workshop. The help from Skillwell and Amazon was really appreciated!." says Vendel Seedorf, Mölnlycke Health Care AB

Achieve similar development for your company with the Well-Architected Review by Skillwell Oy.

In addition to identifying information security risks and achieving cost savings, Well-Architected Review can support your company in many other ways, such as development of new operating models and processes.

All in all, the Well-Architected Review examines the customer's AWS environment from six different perspectives, and helps identify areas of development and risk.

  • Operational Excellence

  • Security

  • Reliability

  • Performance Efficiency

  • Cost Optimization

  • Sustainability.

The evaluation records suggestions for improvement and identified risk structures. A report with recommendations for action is generated based on the results of the assessment.This report allows our clients to independently or with the help of Skillwell’s AWS experts improve and fix all possible areas.

The ultimate goal of Skillwell and the AWS Well-Architected Review is to help our customers follow the Best practices defined by Amazon Web Services. Usually review of the Security pilar is recommended to start with Security Hub configuration.

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