
SaaS Development Service

Our service development team uses the most efficient software development methods to build digital, scalable, reliable and secure digital services.


Innovations for Well-Being

Wellpro, which provides health services, developed the MySeula service with the help of Skillwell, receiving a good response through the cooperation with the Mieliteko program. Skillwell continues to maintain the service with an emphasis on data security and cost efficiency in the AWS environment.

Wellpro Impact Solutions Oy specializes in assessing the risks of illnesses related to brain and memory health, as well as promoting mental well-being and healthy aging. The company provides digital services for individuals keen on monitoring their health. The Myseula survey is also applicable for population-level screening..

Wellpro aimed to provide a SaaS service tool enabling individuals to track lifestyle changes and the efficacy of measures taken on a monthly basis. Skillwell Oy's expertise aligned with the development requirements, leading to the creation of the MySeula service. This service facilitates easy monitoring of personal well-being and its progression.


With the help of the Myseula survey and the monitoring built into it by Skillwell, citizens can easily monitor the effectiveness of their lifestyles. Users of Myseula have reported that the approach prompts them to reflect on their lifestyles and make choices impacting their well-being. Importantly, Myseula serves as a mini-intervention, refraining from making any health claims.

The project started when Wellpro was looking for a partner to implement a solution that promotes public health. A secure information solution was needed that would enable people to monitor their results and development.

The basis of the solution was an already existing solution that Wellpro was using. The solution was expanded and developed in such a way that it offers more advanced user and order management. Additionally, the customer relationship management service employed by Wellpro was integrated into the system, enhancing communication with customers.

Data security provided by Amazon Web Services

In a service where personal data is processed, high-level data security is one of the most important basic pillars. The service platform, Amazon Web Services (AWS), places significant emphasis on data security, with substantial investments made in this aspect. AWS provides many ready-made services that facilitate the development of software ensuring the data security of the utilized service.

"It was of the utmost importance for us to find a professional, domestic partner who can provide a scalable service with global coverage, safely," says Wellpro Impact Solutions Oy's CEO Petteri Sveins.

Enthusiastic and successful reception

The service was received with great enthusiasm in Pohjois Savo as part of the cooperation with the Mieliteko program, which aims to increase mental health and mental well-being in the Pohjois Savo region. In February 2023, Wellpro, in partnership with the Mieliteko program and the University of Eastern Finland, provided residents of Pohjois Savo with a complimentary one-month trial for the service. Throughout this period, 1,647 individuals participated in the Myseula survey, with 857 subsequently activating the BitHabit application.

"During my morning coffee, I check the important things on my mobile phone, so why not do my daily small tasks in the application in the same connection." Customer feedback from a BitHabit user

Continuous cloud operations service for Wellpro - taking data security and service continuity into account

After the release of the first phase of the service, Skillwell has provided Wellpro with a continuous service related to the management of services operating in AWS, especially considering information security, service continuity and cost efficiency.

For a more technical overview of the cloud operations provided, read our latest blog post: SaaS workload Monitoring and Observability in AWS.

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